Package org.shapelogic.polygon

Point, line, multi line, polygon, annotations


Interface Summary
AnnotatedShape Interface of an annotated shape.
ILine2D there is only one class implementing this I should probably take it out
Improver<S> ShapeImprover takes a geometric object and make an improved version.
IPolygon2D there is only one class implementing this I should probably take it out
ObjectAnnotator<S> ShapeAnnotator takes a shape in and annotate it, without changing the version
PolygonImprover Deprecated.

Class Summary
AnnotatedShapeImplementation Instead putting all logic for AnnotatedShape in all classes implement this Make them adapter for this class I can make the map a lazy init map
BaseAnnotatedShape This is an adapter class for AnnotatedShape, working as an abstract base class for classes that need to implement AnnotatedShape Can make lazy init later
BBox This BBox should work for all underlying types I think that this should be immutable I would have to change the fields to be private and have getters
Calculator2D Calculator for simple 2D.
CircleInterval So the idea is that you should have a slice of the circle Since it is circular it does not really make sense to talk about: min and max what is the equivalent I guess start and end assuming that you go in normal direction of increasing angles.
CLine Class for line.
CPointDouble Simple point that is comparable and has arithmetic operations.
CPointInt Simple point that is comparable and has arithmetic operations.
FilterPolygonForSmallLines Take a polygon as input and a list of sets of point that potentially can be combined.
MultiLine A list of point on a continues line that does not have any intersections.
MultiLineDirectionAnnotator Not this functionality is in ChainCodeHandler But this is interesting on its own, now there are no annotation going on, I need to move this in too
MultiLinePolygon Not sure if I really need this or if I am going to move it into Polygon
Polygon Polygon is the bottom class for polygon works for points on any kind Almost immutable: you can extend it by adding more but you cannot change the element, and the underlying points are mutable.
PolygonAnnotator Not this functionality is in ChainCodeHandler But this is interesting on its own, now there are no annotation going on, I need to move this in too
PolygonEndPointAdjuster Take a polygon as input and a list of sets of point that potentially can be combined.

Package org.shapelogic.polygon Description

Point, line, multi line, polygon, annotations

All these classes are thrown here.


There are different types of points.


There is only 1 type of line: CLine.


Polygon consisting of points and lines.

Polygon multi line

Polygon consisting of points, lines and multi lines.

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