Package org.shapelogic.calculation

Lazy calculation


Interface Summary
Accumulator<In,Out> Accumulator.
Calc0<Out> Calc0 is basically a Closure with 0 inputs.
Calc1<In,Out> Calc0 is basically a Closure with 1 input.
Calc2<In0,In1,Out> Calc2 is basically a Closure with 2 inputs.
CalcInContext<K,V> Some calculations rely on the context that it is going on in.
CalcIndex0<Out> Calc0 is basically a Closure with 0 inputs, but one index.
CalcIndex1<In,Out> Calc0 is basically a Closure with 1 input, but one index.
CalcIndex2<In0,In1,Out> Calc2 is basically a Closure with 1 input, and one index.
CalcInvoke<T> Calc0 is does a lazy calculation of a value, that does not have any dependencies.
CalcList<In,Out> CalcList is basically a Closure with input as a List.
CalcValue<T> Top interface for calculations.
CartesianIndex Create indexes for the inputs to a Cartesian product.
ContextGettable<K,V> ContextGettable has contexts and ability to do a get in them.
InContexts<K> InContexts is for classes that live in the a contexts.
IndexTransform<In,Out> Deprecated.
IQueryCalc<K,V> A very general interface for doing any kind of queries to lazy calculations and streams.
LazyCalc<T> Interface for calculations with a dirty and setup concept.
SetupFlagged To test if something has been setup.
Transformer<In,Out> Deprecated.

Class Summary
AdvanceWhile<E> This causes the iterator to be advanced as long as the the condition is true.
BaseAccumulator<In,Out> BaseAccumulator accumulator.
BaseCalcInContext<K,V> BaseCalcInContext normal base class for CalcInContext.
CalcComposition Compose Calculations.
CalcFixed<T> This is a calculation that is done.
CartesianIndex2 CartesianIndex2 creates an accessing scheme for 2 NumberedStream, List or Array.
CollectionCalc Normal functional operations used on Java Collections.
NamedCalcFixed<T> This is a calculation that is done and set in the root context.
QueryCalc<K,V> A very general interface for doing any kind of queries to lazy calculations and streams.
RootMap This is the RootContext where all the certain objects are stored.

Package org.shapelogic.calculation Description

Lazy calculation

New library for functional programming style lazy calculation.


Declarative programming

Declarative programming in ShapeLogic is build on the following:

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