Interface Summary | |
AnnotatedShape | Interface of an annotated shape. |
GeometricShape2D | |
ILine2D | there is only one class implementing this I should probably take it out |
Improver<S> | ShapeImprover takes a geometric object and make an improved version. |
IPoint2D | |
IPolygon2D | there is only one class implementing this I should probably take it out |
ObjectAnnotator<S> | ShapeAnnotator takes a shape in and annotate it, without changing the version |
PointReplacable<Result> | |
PolygonImprover | Deprecated. |
Class Summary | |
AnnotatedShapeImplementation | Instead putting all logic for AnnotatedShape in all classes implement this Make them adapter for this class I can make the map a lazy init map |
BaseAnnotatedShape | This is an adapter class for AnnotatedShape, working as an abstract base class for classes that need to implement AnnotatedShape Can make lazy init later |
BBox | This BBox should work for all underlying types I think that this should be immutable I would have to change the fields to be private and have getters |
Calculator2D | Calculator for simple 2D. |
CircleInterval | So the idea is that you should have a slice of the circle Since it is circular it does not really make sense to talk about: min and max what is the equivalent I guess start and end assuming that you go in normal direction of increasing angles. |
CLine | Class for line. |
CPointDouble | Simple point that is comparable and has arithmetic operations. |
CPointInt | Simple point that is comparable and has arithmetic operations. |
FilterPolygonForSmallLines | Take a polygon as input and a list of sets of point that potentially can be combined. |
MultiLine | A list of point on a continues line that does not have any intersections. |
MultiLineDirectionAnnotator | Not this functionality is in ChainCodeHandler But this is interesting on its own, now there are no annotation going on, I need to move this in too |
MultiLinePolygon | Not sure if I really need this or if I am going to move it into Polygon |
Polygon | Polygon is the bottom class for polygon works for points on any kind Almost immutable: you can extend it by adding more but you cannot change the element, and the underlying points are mutable. |
PolygonAnnotator | Not this functionality is in ChainCodeHandler But this is interesting on its own, now there are no annotation going on, I need to move this in too |
PolygonEndPointAdjuster | Take a polygon as input and a list of sets of point that potentially can be combined. |
PolygonFactory | |
SVGReader |
There are different types of points.
There is only 1 type of line: CLine.
Polygon consisting of points and lines.
Polygon consisting of points, lines and multi lines.