Class BaseListCommonStream<E>

  extended by org.shapelogic.streams.BaseListCommonStream<E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Iterable<E>, java.util.Iterator<E>, CalcValue<E>, ContextGettable, InContexts, LazyCalc<E>, ListStream<E>, NumberedStream<E>, Stream<E>, StreamProperties
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseListIndexedStream1, BaseListStream0, BaseListStream1, BaseListStream2, BaseListStreamList, SingleListStream

public abstract class BaseListCommonStream<E>
extends java.lang.Object
implements ListStream<E>, StreamProperties, ContextGettable

Implementation of ListStream.
Close to
1: a lazy stream.
2: a UNIX pipe.

This is close to org.apache.commons.collections.list.LazyList, but that takes a factory to calculate next element, and that works badly here. How should a step work?
Normally call the hasNext, in order for this to work it would have to do the calculation.

So _current should be the last element that has been returned.

So when you call hasNext it will add that element to the list. When you call next it will bump the counter up one element if goes too high then do the calculation. At the end it will get to a point where the calculation fails. At that point last will be set to the current element. I will ignore synchronization to begin with.

Sami Badawi

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map[] _contexts
protected  int _current
          The last value that was calculated and looked at So if you want to see that again use this for a lookup
protected  boolean _dirty
protected  int _last
          Last value that can be calculated.
protected  java.util.List<E> _list
protected  int _maxLast
          Highest value that last can take.
protected  java.lang.String _name
          Does not always exist.
protected  IQueryCalc _query
protected  E _value
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean calcAddNext()
          Try to calculate one more, independent of the _current.
 E get(int arg0)
          Get next element without advancing _current.
 java.util.Map getContext()
          The context if needed.
 java.util.Map[] getContexts()
 int getCurrentSize()
 java.lang.Object getInContext(java.lang.Object key)
 int getIndex()
          Index of last successfully processed element.
 int getLast()
          Last possible element.
 java.util.List<E> getList()
          Get underlying list.
 int getMaxLast()
          Set a max value for last possible element.
 java.lang.String getName()
          If a stream has a name.
 E getValue()
          Starts a lazy calculation.
 boolean hasNext()
 boolean hasNextBase()
abstract  E invokeIndex(int index)
          Calculate the value at an index.
 boolean isCached()
          If there is a list that contains all the results.
 boolean isContextBased()
          If it needs a context.
 boolean isDeterministic()
          Is the result of a calculation deterministic.
 boolean isDirty()
          When dirty is false that means that the calculated value can be used
 boolean isRandomAccess()
          If you can calculate 1 element independent of other elements.
 java.util.Iterator<E> iterator()
 E next()
          Get next element and advance _current.
 void remove()
 void setList(java.util.List<E> list)
          Get underlying list.
 void setMaxLast(int maxLast)
          Set a max value for last possible element.
 void setup()
          Currently not super well define used for 2 purposes: Reset: called from the outside if you want to reuse it init: Called from the inside when calculation start to have everything setup maybe the semantic could work for both? TODO: This should be separated better.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.List<E> _list


protected int _current
The last value that was calculated and looked at So if you want to see that again use this for a lookup


protected int _last
Last value that can be calculated. When _maxLast is set then _last should first be set to the same. If lower limit is found move down.


protected int _maxLast
Highest value that last can take.


protected java.lang.String _name
Does not always exist.


protected boolean _dirty


protected E _value


protected java.util.Map[] _contexts


protected IQueryCalc _query
Constructor Detail


public BaseListCommonStream()
Method Detail


public abstract E invokeIndex(int index)
Calculate the value at an index.
So it gets the needed input value and call the appropriate invoke function.
Can this be used for a filter call?
The index does not make sense for a filter since you do not know where the input is coming from. So maybe just ignore it.
This is a little messy but less messy that what is there now.


public boolean hasNext()
Specified by:
hasNext in interface java.util.Iterator<E>


protected boolean calcAddNext()
Try to calculate one more, independent of the _current.


public boolean hasNextBase()


public E next()
Get next element and advance _current.

Specified by:
next in interface java.util.Iterator<E>


public E get(int arg0)
Get next element without advancing _current.

Specified by:
get in interface NumberedStream<E>


public int getLast()
Description copied from interface: NumberedStream
Last possible element.

Specified by:
getLast in interface NumberedStream<E>


public int getMaxLast()
Description copied from interface: NumberedStream
Set a max value for last possible element.

Specified by:
getMaxLast in interface NumberedStream<E>


public void setMaxLast(int maxLast)
Set a max value for last possible element. This also set last.

Specified by:
setMaxLast in interface NumberedStream<E>


public boolean isRandomAccess()
Description copied from interface: StreamProperties
If you can calculate 1 element independent of other elements.

Specified by:
isRandomAccess in interface StreamProperties


public boolean isCached()
If there is a list that contains all the results.

Specified by:
isCached in interface StreamProperties


public int getCurrentSize()


public java.util.List<E> getList()
Description copied from interface: ListStream
Get underlying list.

Specified by:
getList in interface ListStream<E>


public void setList(java.util.List<E> list)
Description copied from interface: ListStream
Get underlying list.

Specified by:
setList in interface ListStream<E>


public int getIndex()
Description copied from interface: NumberedStream
Index of last successfully processed element.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface NumberedStream<E>


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: StreamProperties
If a stream has a name.

Specified by:
getName in interface StreamProperties


public void setup()
Description copied from interface: LazyCalc
Currently not super well define used for 2 purposes: Reset: called from the outside if you want to reuse it init: Called from the inside when calculation start to have everything setup maybe the semantic could work for both? TODO: This should be separated better.

Specified by:
setup in interface LazyCalc<E>


public java.util.Map getContext()
Description copied from interface: StreamProperties
The context if needed. Maybe it would be better to make a link to the task that contains the context.

Specified by:
getContext in interface StreamProperties


public E getValue()
Description copied from interface: CalcValue
Starts a lazy calculation. If dirty do calc() else return cached value. This should maybe be moved up in the hierarchy

Specified by:
getValue in interface CalcValue<E>


public boolean isContextBased()
Description copied from interface: StreamProperties
If it needs a context.

Specified by:
isContextBased in interface StreamProperties


public boolean isDeterministic()
Description copied from interface: StreamProperties
Is the result of a calculation deterministic.

Specified by:
isDeterministic in interface StreamProperties


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: LazyCalc
When dirty is false that means that the calculated value can be used

Specified by:
isDirty in interface LazyCalc<E>


public void remove()
Specified by:
remove in interface java.util.Iterator<E>


public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<E>


public java.util.Map[] getContexts()
Specified by:
getContexts in interface InContexts


public java.lang.Object getInContext(java.lang.Object key)
Specified by:
getInContext in interface ContextGettable

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