Class IJImage

  extended by org.shapelogic.imageutil.IJImage
All Implemented Interfaces:
PixelHandler, SLImage

public class IJImage
extends java.lang.Object
implements SLImage

Abstraction of ImageJ ImageProcessor.
The other main implementation should probably be build on top of BufferedImage.

Sami Badawi

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String _filePath
protected  ij.ImagePlus _image
protected  ij.process.ImageProcessor _imageProcessor
Constructor Summary
IJImage(ij.ImagePlus image)
IJImage(ij.process.ImageProcessor ip)
IJImage(java.lang.String filePath)
IJImage(java.lang.String dir, java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String fileFormat)
          Constructor with 3 string arguments.
Method Summary
 int get(int index)
 int get(int x, int y)
          This is a faster version of getPixel() that does not do bounds checking.
 java.awt.Rectangle getActiveRectangle()
          This mean that the whole images is available in the pixels array.
 int getHeight()
          Returns the height of this image in pixels.
 ij.process.ImageProcessor getImageProcessor()
 int getLineStride()
 int getNChannels()
          Returns the number of color channels in the image.
 int getPixelCount()
 java.lang.Object getPixels()
          Returns a reference to this image's pixel array.
 java.awt.Rectangle getRoi()
 int getWidth()
          Returns the width of this image in pixels.
 boolean isEmpty()
 boolean isGray()
 boolean isInvertedLut()
          Returns true if this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.
 boolean isRgb()
 void putPixel(int x, int y, int value)
          Stores the specified value at (x,y).
 void set(int index, int value)
 void set(int x, int y, int value)
          This is a faster version of putPixel() that does not clip out of range values and does not do bounds checking.
 void setPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
          Sets a new pixel array for the image.
 void setRoi(int x, int y, int rwidth, int rheight)
 void setRoi(java.awt.Rectangle roi)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ij.process.ImageProcessor _imageProcessor


protected ij.ImagePlus _image


protected java.lang.String _filePath
Constructor Detail


public IJImage(java.lang.String filePath)


public IJImage(java.lang.String dir,
               java.lang.String fileName,
               java.lang.String fileFormat)
Constructor with 3 string arguments.

dir - e.g. "./src/test/resources/images/smallThinShapes";
fileName - e.g. "blobs"
fileFormat - e.g. ".gif"


public IJImage(ij.ImagePlus image)


public IJImage(ij.process.ImageProcessor ip)
Method Detail


public int get(int x,
               int y)
Description copied from interface: SLImage
This is a faster version of getPixel() that does not do bounds checking.

Specified by:
get in interface SLImage


public int get(int index)
Specified by:
get in interface SLImage


public int getHeight()
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Returns the height of this image in pixels.

Specified by:
getHeight in interface SLImage


public int getNChannels()
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Returns the number of color channels in the image. The color channels can be accessed by toFloat(channelNumber, fp) and written by setPixels(channelNumber, fp).

Specified by:
getNChannels in interface SLImage
1 for grayscale images, 3 for RGB images


public int getPixelCount()
Specified by:
getPixelCount in interface SLImage


public java.lang.Object getPixels()
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Returns a reference to this image's pixel array. The array type (byte[], short[], float[] or int[]) varies depending on the image type.

Specified by:
getPixels in interface SLImage


public java.awt.Rectangle getRoi()
Specified by:
getRoi in interface SLImage


public int getWidth()
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Returns the width of this image in pixels.

Specified by:
getWidth in interface SLImage


public boolean isInvertedLut()
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Returns true if this image uses an inverting LUT that displays zero as white and 255 as black.

Specified by:
isInvertedLut in interface SLImage


public void putPixel(int x,
                     int y,
                     int value)
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Stores the specified value at (x,y). Does nothing if (x,y) is outside the image boundary. For 8-bit and 16-bit images, out of range values are clipped. For RGB images, the argb values are packed in 'value'. For float images, 'value' is expected to be a float converted to an int using Float.floatToIntBits().

Specified by:
putPixel in interface PixelHandler
Specified by:
putPixel in interface SLImage


public void set(int x,
                int y,
                int value)
Description copied from interface: SLImage
This is a faster version of putPixel() that does not clip out of range values and does not do bounds checking.

Specified by:
set in interface SLImage


public void set(int index,
                int value)
Specified by:
set in interface SLImage


public void setPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
Description copied from interface: SLImage
Sets a new pixel array for the image. The length of the array must be equal to width*height. Use setSnapshotPixels(null) to clear the snapshot buffer.

Specified by:
setPixels in interface SLImage


public void setRoi(java.awt.Rectangle roi)
Specified by:
setRoi in interface SLImage


public void setRoi(int x,
                   int y,
                   int rwidth,
                   int rheight)
Specified by:
setRoi in interface SLImage


public ij.process.ImageProcessor getImageProcessor()


public boolean isEmpty()
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface SLImage


public java.awt.Rectangle getActiveRectangle()
This mean that the whole images is available in the pixels array.

Specified by:
getActiveRectangle in interface SLImage


public int getLineStride()
Specified by:
getLineStride in interface SLImage


public boolean isGray()
Specified by:
isGray in interface SLImage


public boolean isRgb()
Specified by:
isRgb in interface SLImage

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