Class ChainCodeHandler

  extended by org.shapelogic.polygon.BaseAnnotatedShape
      extended by org.shapelogic.imageprocessing.ChainCodeHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
Calc0<MultiLine>, CalcInvoke<MultiLine>, CalcValue<MultiLine>, LazyCalc<MultiLine>, AnnotatedShape

public class ChainCodeHandler
extends BaseAnnotatedShape
implements CalcInvoke<MultiLine>

Chain Code For MultiLine. Assume that there is no intersection.

Sami Badawi

Field Summary
protected  int _accumulatedAbsoluteDirectionChange
protected  int _accumulatedDirectionChange
protected  BBox _bBox
protected  byte[] _chainCodeForMultiLine
protected  boolean _dirty
protected  CPointInt _firstPoint
protected  int _lastChain
protected  CPointInt _lastPoint
protected  java.util.List<LineProperties> _linePropertiesList
          Line number N should have end point on point number N.
protected  MultiLine _multiLine
protected  java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,CPointInt> _pointMap
protected  java.util.List<PointProperties> _pointPropertiesList
          What should happen to the last point if the first and the last point is the same.
protected static double LIMIT_FOR_HARD_CORNER
protected static int SHORT_LINE_LENGTH
Fields inherited from class org.shapelogic.polygon.BaseAnnotatedShape
Constructor Summary
ChainCodeHandler(AnnotatedShapeImplementation annotatedShape)
Method Summary
 void addChainCode(byte chainCode)
 void findAccumulatedDirectionChange()
          Find the accumulated direction change, the sum of all turns.
 byte[] getChainCodeForMultiLine()
protected  double getDistLimit(int pixelCountInCurrentLineInterval)
          DistLimit is half based on the diameter of the polygon half on the length of the line.
 CPointInt getFirstPoint()
 int getLastChain()
 CPointInt getLastPoint()
 MultiLine getValue()
          Starts a lazy calculation.
 MultiLine invoke()
 boolean isClosed()
          Last point is a running point so this will not always work.
 boolean isDirty()
          When dirty is false that means that the calculated value can be used
 void setFirstPoint(IPoint2D firstPoint)
 void setMultiLine(MultiLine line)
 void setup()
          Currently not super well define used for 2 purposes: Reset: called from the outside if you want to reuse it init: Called from the inside when calculation start to have everything setup maybe the semantic could work for both? TODO: This should be separated better.
 void swapChainCodeInOppositeDirection()
          Opposite Direction.
Methods inherited from class org.shapelogic.polygon.BaseAnnotatedShape
getAnnotatedShape, getAnnotationForShapes, getMap, getShapesForAnnotation, putAllAnnotation, putAnnotation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int CHAIN_CODE_FOR_MULTI_LINE_MAX_LENGTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int SHORT_LINE_LENGTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final double LIMIT_FOR_HARD_CORNER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected byte[] _chainCodeForMultiLine


protected int _lastChain


protected CPointInt _firstPoint


protected CPointInt _lastPoint


protected MultiLine _multiLine


protected boolean _dirty


protected BBox _bBox


protected java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,CPointInt> _pointMap


protected int _accumulatedDirectionChange


protected int _accumulatedAbsoluteDirectionChange


protected java.util.List<PointProperties> _pointPropertiesList
What should happen to the last point if the first and the last point is the same. I think that there should be 2 points, in the list of points, but as far as PointProperties I think that there should only be one, maybe I could just use the same. How would that work? I could have a map Another thing is if I count the number of point in a closed multi line it will be one too many.


protected java.util.List<LineProperties> _linePropertiesList
Line number N should have end point on point number N. The first line should be null if the multi line is open and from the last to the first if closed I could possibly also have the first LineProperties have an extra reference at the end

Constructor Detail


public ChainCodeHandler(AnnotatedShapeImplementation annotatedShape)
Method Detail


public void setup()
Description copied from interface: LazyCalc
Currently not super well define used for 2 purposes: Reset: called from the outside if you want to reuse it init: Called from the inside when calculation start to have everything setup maybe the semantic could work for both? TODO: This should be separated better.

Specified by:
setup in interface LazyCalc<MultiLine>
Specified by:
setup in interface AnnotatedShape
setup in class BaseAnnotatedShape


public MultiLine invoke()
Specified by:
invoke in interface Calc0<MultiLine>


public MultiLine getValue()
Description copied from interface: CalcValue
Starts a lazy calculation. If dirty do calc() else return cached value. This should maybe be moved up in the hierarchy

Specified by:
getValue in interface CalcValue<MultiLine>


public void findAccumulatedDirectionChange()
Find the accumulated direction change, the sum of all turns.


public void addChainCode(byte chainCode)


public void swapChainCodeInOppositeDirection()
Opposite Direction.


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: LazyCalc
When dirty is false that means that the calculated value can be used

Specified by:
isDirty in interface LazyCalc<MultiLine>


protected double getDistLimit(int pixelCountInCurrentLineInterval)
DistLimit is half based on the diameter of the polygon half on the length of the line.


public void setFirstPoint(IPoint2D firstPoint)


public CPointInt getFirstPoint()


public byte[] getChainCodeForMultiLine()


public void setMultiLine(MultiLine line)


public boolean isClosed()
Last point is a running point so this will not always work.


public int getLastChain()


public CPointInt getLastPoint()

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