Writing documentation for ShapeLogic is very easy.
Documentation is written in a simple wiki format called, apt, which is documented here http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/apt-format.html
After that you just run the Maven site task, that will rebuild the site.
There are a few idiosyncrasies and gotchas, that is described here.
Just run Maven command
mvn site
This will build the site locally under the shapelogic/target/site.
One problem is that the images and css directories are not getting moved. So you have to manually move them from shapelogic/src/site to shapelogic/target/site. Or set up a little script to do the same.
Go to the site.xml page and find a place where the page fits well and add it there.
Format used:
<menu name="shapelogic"> <item name="Home" href="index.html"/> <item name="Getting Started" href="getting-started.html"/> <item name="Download" href="http://code.google.com/p/shapelogic/downloads/list"/> <item name="General" href="index.html" collapse="true"> <item name="Google Code Hosting" href="http://code.google.com/p/shapelogic"/> <item name="FAQ" href="faq.html"/>
It is mainly just an upload of this build directory shapelogic/target/site.
But on the site there are also snapshots of what www.shapelogic.org looked like at the time of each release. This is to maintain documentation for old version.
Solution do not use them.