Computer vision and image processing consultant
The author of ShapeLogic, Sami Badawi, is available to customize, support or optimize ShapeLogic for specific application, as well as for general computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition consulting. Located in New York City. Contact:

- 2007 - Present ShapeLogic. Declarative programming, computer vision, medical image processing. Java, C++.
- 2006 - 2007 Goldman Sachs. Market risk technology. Java, Slang, TSQL, Python.
- 2002 - 2006 Algorithmics / Fitch Risk Management. Operational risk statistical modeling and programming. Java, Mathematica, Python, Scala.
- 2001 - 2002 BlackRock. Mortgage backed securities. C++, Perl, TSQL.
- 1998 - 2000 DoubleClick. Internet advertising. C++, Perl, Java, Python, Ab Initio, PL/SQL.
- 1993 - 1997 Zyrinx. Game programming, mathematics, physics and graphics. C++, C.
- Languages
Java, C++, C, Mathematica, Python, Perl, Slang, Scala, Ab Initio, VBA, R
- Methodology
OO, Design Patterns, Test Driven Development, IoC, Functional and Declarative Programming
- Image processing libraries
ImageJ, Java2D, Generic Image Library, OpenCV, VXL
- Math
Advanced analysis: functional analysis, distributions, topology, measure theory. Metric, Banach, Hilbert and Sobolev spaces. Probability, optimization, stochastic calculus used in option pricing. Logic, set theory, foundation of mathematics, information theory
- Statistics
MLE based fitting of distribution in Mathematica, implemented 10 distributions in Java
- Graphics programming
Splines, quarternion, 3D collision detection. 3D game engine architecture: transformations, z sort, clustering, light, shading
- Artificial intelligence
Machine learning, feed forward neural networks, goal driven tree searches
- Computational physics
Classical mechanics, Lagrange's equation
- Finance theory
Value at Risk, Monte Carlo simulations. Familiar with asset pricing and Black-Scholes
- GUI libraries
Java Swing, FLTK, MFC, Motif, C++ Builder
- Internet
HTML, XML, DTD, CSS. JavaScript, SMTP, HTTP, Embedded Perl
- Web servers
WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, Jetty, Apache
- OS
Windows, UNIX, Solaris, LINUX
- Databases
Oracle, SYBASE, HSQL, H2, MS SQL server, JDBC, ODBC, Hibernate
- Development tools
Ant, Maven, gcc, msvc, MinGW, gdb, make, cmake, bjam, SVN, CVS
Eclipse, NetBeans, Visual Studio, emacs
- J2EE
Servlets, JSP, Struts, Google Guise IoC
M.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Copenhagen.
Masters thesis: Robotic Vision and Visual Arts.