Particle Counter and Analyzer

ShapeLogic 1.2 and 1.3 contain both an automatic color and gray scale particle counter and a particle analyzer working without manual user intervention. The goal is to be able to recognize different cells on a relatively uniform background and be able to extract a lot of geometric information.

See Cell Categorizer for images types that can be handled by the current particle analyzer, and for future plans.

ShapeLogic 1.3 contains 2 new modes for the particle analyzer: one where you set the foreground color of the particles and one where you set the background color. They will always find a particle image and will not fail, unlike the automatic particle analyzer.

Common functionality for particle counter and particle analyzer

  • Take input parameters, e.g. min and max size for particles
  • Find background color
  • Find particles
  • Extract geometric properties of the particles
  • Print a report to a result table that can be exported to Excel


Test on example particle image embryos.jpg

Under ImageJ Plugins ShapeLogic menu click "Particle Counter", "Color Particle Analyzer" or "RGB Color Particle Analyzer".

Input parameters dialog

Select input parameters in dialog

The parameters

Max distance: Distance between color in same color bucket

Min pixels: Minimum number of pixels in particle

Max pixels: Maximum number of pixels in particle

Iterations: K-mean iterations for color hypothesis

These are the default values and the name of the parameters in Java.

_iterations = 2; // K-mean iterations for color hypothesis
_maxDistance = 50; // Distance between color in same color bucket
_minPixelsInArea = 30; // Minimum number of pixels in particle
_maxPixelsInArea = 10000; // Maximum number of pixels in particle

Summary result dialog

A summary result is shown in a dialog, with the following information:

A report of each particle's properties is sent to an ImageJ result table, which can be exported to Excel. Reports are different for the particle counter and analyzer.

Particle counter information for each particle

The particle counter finds and prints basic geometric properties of the particles

  • Area
  • Center of gravity
  • Color
  • Std dev for color

The particle counter in ShapeLogic v 1.2 has gone through some testing, and seems to work well.

Particle analyzer information for each particle

The particle analyzer traces the edge of each particle. It finds and prints more advanced geometric properties of the particles

  • Area
  • Center of gravity
  • Color
  • Std dev for color
  • Length of perimeter
  • Circularity
  • Gray value brightness
  • Bounding box
  • Number of hard corners
  • Number of inflection points
  • Number of curve arches

The particle analyzer finds many more geometric properties that are not shown on the above example, it is easy to print them if desired.

This the particle analyzer can also select and categorize particles based on all of the above properties. In order to categorize particles the user should define geometric rules for each particle type.

ShapeLogic v 1.3 will come with predefined rules to categorize certain cells .

Particle analyzer in manual rgb modes

In ShapeLogic 1.3 there are 2 new color modes for the particle analyzer.

You find them under the menu item: RGB Color Particle Analyzer.

One will set the background color the other sets the foreground color.

Set foreground color mode

This is useful for

  • Particles with different colors, where you are only interested in one
  • Images that are not particle images

Here is an example

CDC image 10157 legionella pneumophila

The setting in the dialog was to find the purple bacteria.

Set background color mode

This is useful for

  • Close up of a particle where the background color is not the most frequent
  • You are working on a small ROI region of interest

Current status of the particle analyzer in ShapeLogic v 1.3

The particle analyzer in ShapeLogic v 1.3 has gone through limited testing and seems to work well.

Framework to build more advanced particle counters and particle analyzers

The particle counter algorithm in ShapeLogic 1.3 is relatively simple. It is setup to be expanded to handle more advanced algorithms. Here is the flow.

  • If either foreground or background color is set you are done
  • Else find one or more color hypothesis automatically
    • Color clustering using K-mean algorithm
    • Background color finder
    • Check that image is a particle image, if it is not stop
  • Run over the image again find the individual particles based on the color hypothesis
  • Collect color and area information for each particle
  • Filter particles based on size

Defining rules for categories in ShapeLogic 1.3

This is done by sub classing ColorParticleAnalyzer or ColorParticleAnalyzerIJ. Override the categorizeStreams() method.

Use ColorParticleAnalyzerIJ if you work with ImageJ and ColorParticleAnalyzer if you work without.

Here is the current categorize code. It is only there to serve as an example:

The rule syntax is very straightforward. There are a lot of numeric streams with one lazy calculated number for each particle. E.g. aspect ratio stream. Then you define one rule for each constraint you want to put on a given category.

In order to belong to the category Flat the aspect ratio for a particle just has to greater than 1.1.

In order to belong to the category "Light round" the aspect ratio for a particle just has to between 0.9 and 1.1 and the brightness have to be greater than 150.

Note that a particle that satisfy more categories will not belong to any of them.

        protected void categorizeStreams() {
        LoadLetterStreams.makeXOrStream(StreamNames.PARTICLES, LoadParticleStreams.EXAMPLE_PARTICLE_ARRAY);
        _categorizer = (XOrListStream) RootMap.get(StreamNames.PARTICLES);
        final static public String[] EXAMPLE_PARTICLE_ARRAY = 
        {"Flat","Tall","Light round", "Dark round"};    
        /** This shows what to do to define rules for the color particle analyzer.<br />
         * This is not useful.<br /> 
         * Light and dark is turned around if inverted LUT is used.<br /> 
        public static void exampleMakeParticleStream() {
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Flat", ASPECT_RATIO, ">", 1.1, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Tall", ASPECT_RATIO, "<", 0.9, null);

                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Light round", StreamNames.COLOR_GRAY, ">", 150, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Light round", ASPECT_RATIO, "<", 1.1, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Light round", ASPECT_RATIO, ">", 0.9, null);

                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Dark round", StreamNames.COLOR_GRAY, "<", 120, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Dark round", ASPECT_RATIO, "<", 1.1, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Dark round", ASPECT_RATIO, ">", 0.9, null);

How to make your own particle analyzer category rules

This example only has 2 categories Flat and Non flat. It is flat if it twice as wide as it is high.

Copy the following text into a file called

import org.shapelogic.calculation.RootMap;
import org.shapelogic.imageprocessing.ColorParticleAnalyzerIJ;
import org.shapelogic.logic.CommonLogicExpressions;
import org.shapelogic.streamlogic.LoadLetterStreams;
import org.shapelogic.streamlogic.StreamNames;
import org.shapelogic.streams.XOrListStream;

public class CustomParticleAnalyzer_ extends ColorParticleAnalyzerIJ {
        protected void categorizeStreams() {
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Flat", CommonLogicExpressions.ASPECT_RATIO, ">", 2, null);
                LoadLetterStreams.rule("Non flat", CommonLogicExpressions.ASPECT_RATIO, "<", 2, null);

        LoadLetterStreams.makeXOrStream(StreamNames.PARTICLES, new String[] {"Flat", "Non flat"});
        _categorizer = (XOrListStream) RootMap.get(StreamNames.PARTICLES);

Compile from within ImageJ

  • Place the into ImageJ/plugin/ShapeLogic directory.
  • Compile it from within ImageJ, by going to Plugin -> Compile and Run ...

Compile from outside ImageJ

  • Compile someplace else using Eclipse, NetBeans or javac and take the resulting class file:


  • Move it into ImageJ/plugin/ShapeLogic directory.

Plans for ShapeLogic v 1.4

  • Make custom rules to recognize specific cells . In v 1.3 the user has to make rules themselves.
  • Make it easier to select what particle properties to print out, now a random selection of somewhat useful properties have been selected.
  • HSV mode for the particle analyzer
  • Possibly Perceptron styled 1 layered neural network for rules for particle analyzer

Possible future plans for particle analyzer beyond ShapeLogic v 1.4

  • ShapeLogic v 1.4 will come with predefined rules for certain cells
  • Create rule for recognizing cells using neural networks or machine learning techniques
  • Be able to handle a background that is not uniform, and cell organelles
  • Incorporate reasoning under uncertainty using the lazy stream library
  • Extend to do tracking of particles in a video sequence
  • Find overlapping particles and distinguish them as separate

Create rule for recognizing cells using neural networks or machine learning techniques

In order to do this the user will have to select the properties that should be used to train the network or use the machine learning on.

It is probably easiest to export all the properties to a spreadsheet, add a result field, and run an external neural network or machine learning program. The result will then be put back into a ShapeLogic stream.

Right now the classifier stream is an Exclusive Or stream. There need to be streams that

  • Do weighted 1 and 2 layer computations.
  • Do binary decisions based on properties.