Problem running ShapeLogic

Why won't ShapeLogic run as a plug-in for ImageJ?

The problem is that there are several jar files that are needed for it to run. This is described on the Getting started page.


What version of Java JDK does ShapeLogic work with?

ShapeLogic is compiled with JDK version 1.6, but should work fine if compiled with JDK 1.5.

A version compiled with 1.5 might be released.


How do I install a snapshot version of ShapeLogic?

  • Download the jar file.
  • Go to ./ImageJ/plugins/shapelogic.
  • Append the word old to the current version e.g.: shapelogic__-0.7.jar.old
  • Copy the downloaded or compiled version to ./ImageJ/plugins/shapelogic
  • [top]


    What tools do I need to build ShapeLogic

    ShapeLogic is build using Maven 2.

    This makes several build tasks very easy, so this is the recommended way doing builds, but the code should run fine without Maven.

    Currently the project is set up to work directly with Eclipse 3.3, Java 1.6, but you can use: NetBeans, IntelliJ, JBuilder, emacs or vi.


    How do you build with Maven 2

    In order to do the following:

    1. runs the unit tests locally
    2. runs the unit tests locally, and if they passes it will create the jar file
    3. runs the unit tests locally and install ShapeLogic to local repository
    Call these commands.
              mvn test
              mvn package
              mvn install


    How is this project site created?

    The ShapeLogic site is created using a Almost Plain Text format. The apt files are stored in the directory: shapelogic/src/site.

    Changes can be tracked in SVN

    To generate the site run the following command.

              mvn site



    Does ShapeLogic work with other plug-ins for ImageJ?

  • ShapeLogic should work with other plug-ins.
  • ShapeLogic uses off the shelf open source libraries when possible.
  • ShapeLogic is a very lightweight framework.
  • [top]

    Does ShapeLogic work without ImageJ?

    Not now. But ShapeLogic is very loosely coupled to ImageJ, so abstracting the connection to ImageJ out should not be a big task.


    ShapeLogic team

    How can I join ShapeLogic development team?

    Leave a message on Google code hosting ShapeLogic Team


    Why isn't there a mailing list for ShapeLogic?

    A mailing list will be put up if the need arise. Until then you can post questions to this page:

    Google code hosting FAQ

    You can post comments and suggestions to this page:

    User comment page
